2Roqs is a resident of
La Fabrique Pola

La Fabrique Pola
10 Quai de Brazza


Les boîtes CAPC

September 20th, 2017
Les boîtes CAPC is an educational digital tool set for contemporary art. This innovative object is the fruit of two years collaborative work between the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux (CAPC) and three complementary studios; 2Roqs (interaction design), Kubik (graphic design) and Zamak (design).

An Innovative Pedagogical Tool

Since it’s creation, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux (CAPC) has been developing a series of educational tools – “exhibit boxes” – that contain various educational material about contemporary art.

As part of the digital modernisation of these tools, we imagined and developed with the Museum a new generation of tools that contain 13 tactile tablets and a “hopscotch” fold-out board.
26 original exercises were created around the theme of colour, to be played using augmented reality on the hopscotch board.

Complete Connection

"Les boites CAPC" allows primary school teachers to organise classes and workshops about artistic practices as well as introduce work from the Museum’s collection. The box has a tablet for the teacher to setup a workshop and save pupil’s work in real-time.
The tablet runs an interactive application which tracks the workshop as well as providing complementary resources such as images and videos.
Finally, there is an internet site, www.lesboitescapc.fr where teachers can privately reserve use of a box, access pupil’s work and collect data from their workshops.

"Les boites CAPC" are available for free use by all primary schools throughout France.
