2Roqs is a resident of
La Fabrique Pola

La Fabrique Pola
10 Quai de Brazza


One hundred members from the international group Danone were present at the seminar Danone - Corporate Affair, from January 31st to February 2nd, 2012 at the Royal Hotel in Evian-Les-Bains (France), freshly coated with snow. The seminar was organized around workshops punctuated by moments in a convivial space animated by our RoqsTree installation.

During this seminar, guests could immortalize their meeting around this virtual space of conviviality.


Client : Danone group
RoqsTree: original concept, development, furniture : Studio 2Roqs, Bordeaux
Direction seminar Danone Corporate Affair: AF83 Media agency, Paris
Creative direction of seminar Danone Corporate Affair: Agence Flair, Paris
Location: Hôtel Royal, Evian-les-bains


At first, the tree is made of one little branch with no fruit. Guests are offered to build the tree of their meeting. The tree grows and develops throughout the event as participants mark their presence by their name, their photograph and their messages.

Gathering all the comments and pictures posted by the guests, the RoqsTree becomes the memory of the seminar.

Included in a 3D representation of the exhibition space, the RoqsTree plays observes the parallels between meetings in the physical space and digital interactions that extend into the virtual space.

A touch screen allows the guests to register freely on the tree, and to return at any time on their profile to post a new message using the gallery or navigation in the 3D environment.

By registering their phone number, users are allowed to contribute remotely by phone text messages. Here, a pre-registration has allowed some guests to trigger their appearance on the tree by simply sending a SMS to the installation.

RoqsTree - oeuvre interactive 2RoqsRoqsTree - oeuvre interactive, 2RoqsRoqsTree - oeuvre interactive, 2Roqs